Here’s what you’ll learn in this 39 minute masterclass video:

  • ✅ The goal of good personal branding is to not look like §#!? 💩

  • 👎 Business Branding vs. 👍 Personal Branding

  • ✍️ The name of your personal brand

  • 📷 The look of your personal brand

  • 🤗 The feel of your personal brand

  • 🛑 Don’t build a business, ✅ do build a personal brand

When branding yourself you dive deep into self-discovery. So why are all of the personal branding questions so impersonal? "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" does not a personal brand make.

That's why I created my own series of reflective and specific questions that take you on a journey of self-discovery from your past, into your present, and finished 5-10 years in the future where you are thriving as your most authentic self.

Through these series of questions you uncover the connections and patterns that naturally align to who you are and ultimately what your true personal brand is.